Customer Quotes:

"My board is my baby, and there
is nothing bad I can say about her.
Others may fall in love with her,
but she is always faithful to me"

Murat Immamoglu,
2002 British Open Champion

"Aesthetically pleasing, the board
plays like a dream. The checkers
glide over
the felt surface, making a satisfying sound as they come into
contact with the beautifully crafted
wood. Simply the best board I have
ever played on".

Stuart Mann, Bristol, England

Customer Quotes:

Mein Backgammonboard ist sicher
das einzige seiner Art! Das Board
nach meinen Wünschen zu gestallten
war sicher keine leichte Aufgabe für
CBB! Vielen Dank für die gute Zusammenarbeit und die kompetente Betreuung. Das Resultat wird immer wieder bewundert!

My backgammon board is certainly one of a kind! To make the board according to my wishes was of course not easy for CBB! Many thanks for the good teamwork and the competent instructions. The result will always again be wonderful!

Brigitte Dvorak, Vienna, Austria

“there is magic in that [CBB] board”

Yavuz Kaya, 2002 British Open Super Jackpot winner (after leading 8-6 with the cube on 2, and requiring double sixes to gammon his opponent and go through to the final, which of course he rolled after an intense shake of his dice cup).